Hi, I'm Mark Egan. So how can I help you?

I deliver virtual presentations and workshops for clients around the world using just Zoom. I want to give you the skills to build a profitable business from your home, just sharing your expertise.

I grew up in Hong Kong, Germany, South Africa and the UK. After working in TV and Radio for the BBC I decided to quit. I wanted to be my own boss . I travelled the world delivering media skills workshops.

BUT, then Covid hit. Flights, gatherings, events...it was all shut down. Overnight my successful business was wiped out.

Luckily I had the skills to pivot to virtual training online. I knew how to set up a professional-looking home studio. My expeirence in TV and radio helped me make my trainings on Zoom more dynamic and engaging.

I knew how to structure the flow of a presentation to grab attention and reach people's heads and hearts. I understood how storytelling could make even the most dry subjects come to life.

BUT I realised many people with great expertise and a great message were not so lucky. They really struggled. That is when I started teaching these skills to experts, coaches and trainers.

You can now build a six or even seven figure business from home. With virtual stages like Zoom you can create more impact and income. Let me help you get there.





Presenting skills

Be confident on camera

Being dynamic and captivating on camera is a LEARNABLE SKILL. Whether it is on Zoom presentations, Facebook Lives or coaching calls, you need to be CONFIDENT ON CAMERA.

Engaging content

Keep your viewer hooked

You can learn to create content that gets your audience's attention, keeps them hooked and moves them to take action. Use research-backed methods to create engaging content.

Pro video set-up

Your budget home studio

Your audience will judge you within seconds. That's why in the virtual age, having a credible video setup is vital. It can be simple and affordable, if you know the pro's secrets.

Do any of these statements sound familiar?

"I don't like how I come across on camera"

"I am not earning what I should given my expertise"

"I struggle to get and keep people's attention"


Martin Morris

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Simon Mandi

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Robert Achille

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It's time to scale your message and create your impact





Have a question or need help? Drop me a line